Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Cylons had A Plan, and so did CPD23….


The 23 Things for Professional Development course ran during Summer 2011. It was split into weeks with one or more Things allocated per week. Participants wrote a discursive blog post for each ‘Thing’ or part Thing to evidence completion of each item. Where a Thing or week comprised of multiple aspects I have occasionally split a Thing over multiple posts.

As I did the programme somewhat out-of-order and in time what my CPD23 posts relate to will not be obvious(!) the below is an index post essentially of what each Thing was linked to my entry for it on this blog.

Yes, I’m in Xmas blog  tidy-up mode!

The Plan

Week 1 (20th June) - Blogging

Thing 2: Explore other blogs and get to know some of the other cpd23-ers.
Thing 6: Online networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, LISNPN, LATNetwork, CILIP Communities)
Thing 7: National/Regional groups, Special interest groups and looking outside the library sphere
Thing 8: Google Calendar
Thing 9: Evernote
Thing 10: Graduate traineeships, Masters degrees, Chartership, Accreditation
Thing 11: Mentoring
Thing 14: Zotero / Mendeley / citeulike
Thing 15: Attending, presenting at and organising seminars, conferences and other events
Thing 16: Advocacy, speaking up for the profession and getting published.
Thing 19: Some time to think about how you might integrate the Things so far into your workflow and routines.
Thing 23: What have you learnt and where do you want to go from here?

Once you've finished

Feedback and certificates (certificate sign up ends on 30 November 2011!)

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